16 Sep 2021
Weload’s Guide to Choosing the Right Size Moving Vehicle
Moving into your new home should be an exciting time for you - a whole new chapter of your life awaits! Having said that, we can’t ignore that moving comes with its own fair share of stresses which can get pretty overwhelming. But hey, we’d love to help where we can! Solve your moving needs with more peace of mind by following our simple guide to choosing the right size vehicle for your move.
14 Jun 2021
For most of us, shopping on platforms like Carousell has become quite a norm for looking for preloved furniture that is in good condition. Heck, if you are lucky enough, you might find preloved furniture in pristine condition but selling at more than 50% off the original price. This is not surprising, given that Singaporeans love to change new furniture every now and then (that’s why the 2nd hand furniture market is so lucrative).But while buying a 2nd hand furniture is easy given the number of ..
01 May 2021
#Repost - Carousell.sg While we often hear of business winding up in this COVID-19 pandemic, it's rare to hear of success stories—cue weload.sg, founded by Pravesh and Rahul, both aged 23.But weload.sg didn't have a smooth-sailing journey straight from the start. Here’s their #MayDayHeroes story on how they went from almost being jobless, to creating jobs for others. ..